Scarcity, Dislikes, and the 80's Debut

Quit reading this part, I've got so much to share, c'mon...

GM to our 1,004 subscribers including our latest: Ro’ee, Alana, Bridget, Donna, and Jeff


I gotta admit, I’m having a blast creating this newsletter and I appreciate you tuning in. This week’s issue has some stuff you need to know, a personal realization that might make you feel less guilty about spending money in the business, and a new feature that is, well, TOTALLY RADICAL.

In this week’s issue:

  • Instagram is testing a DISLIKE button? For real?!?!

  • Scarcity might be the sales angle you’re missing

  • How not to be a terrible client for your tax preparer

  • And other shenanigans.

Last bit: The Small Business Owners Community has launched our 2025 Call for Speakers. If you’d like to get on one of our stages, fill out THIS FORM by 3/2 at Midnight.

I’d love to hear your feedback on the newsletter so make sure to send me your questions, comments and sarcastic remarks. I read every reply.

Remember, it’s YOUR DREAM - Don’t Grow it Alone®


It’s ALWAYS OK to spend money on this item in your business…

80’s Song of the Week: YAZ - Situation

You may not know this, but I’m the best damn 80’s DJ in the galaxy. That might be a stretch, but not by much. I thought it would be fun to mix in some jams to make sure we’re not working TOO HARD. So, LET’S WATCH GRANDMAS DANCE. This video features kids in 1982 completely grooving to one of the best songs of the decade. I was fiddling with the math and realized that if the kid you’re watching was 25 in the video, she’s 68 now. That’s something to think about, no?

As for the song - what can you say about the album Yaz - Upstairs at Eric’s?
Flawless. Damn near magical. Enjoy.

And, if you’d like to play along, send me your favorite 80’s song. I’ll start and share a Summary 80’s playlist on Spotify and I might feature you and your business in the newsletter.


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